Laura Hollick | The Rainbow House

The Rainbow House

April 16, 2017

After weeks of preparation, a dream is birthed into reality!

The Rainbow House is officially alive and pulsing with healing love.

Watch the Rainbow House transformation unfold…


One day a ruin, the next a rainbow,” wrote Kathy Renwald from The Hamilton Spectator about the Rainbow House.

The Rainbow House is a symbol of transformation.

The next time you see a space, a place, a person, or community that has fallen into rough shape, send them some rainbow love.  Healing requires the full spectrum of love in order for transformation to take root. Just because something is in rough shape doesn’t mean its journey is over. It simply means it is preparing for something new.

The heart in the center of the Rainbow House reads “I am healing as I prepare to transform into my next expression.

May this Rainbow House offer you a seed of inspiration and the fertile soil to allow transformation to take root in your life.

Share the Rainbow House to inspire your community!

