| Heart to Heart with Money Part 1

Heart to Heart with Money Part 1

March 25, 2018

Money is one of those things that can get Creative Spirits dancing with desire, yet can also make us fall frozen with fear.

What is it about money that gets us so fired up?

I decided to start a creative process to explore money and to open space for a real “Heart to Heart” connection with this abstract energy that connects us all.

Over the coming weeks I will take you behind the scenes through my money creative process to expose the shadow of the starving artist and shine a light on what is possible for Creative Spirits when they connect their unique expression with the world.

As with any creative process, there is always an unknown. I don’t know what I will discover through this journey, but I do know this is an important topic and the space is ripe and ready for this exploration.

I invite you to join me in this 3-part video series to explore your own money story and awaken the next level of your wild abundance!

Watch Part 1 now…

In many ways, I view money as a Spiritual Teacher with the capacity to call us deeper into our roots and to guide us to blossom our gifts into the world.  If it weren’t for money, I’d probably be hiding out in some cave, making art and never sharing it. Money motivated me to come out of my shell and share my creative gifts with the world.

I wonder what money wants to awaken within you?

Take a moment to consider what you want to explore around money.

Do you want to:

  • Heal your money story
  • Clean up old money wounds
  • Release limiting money lineage patterns
  • Align your money with your true soul’s path
  • Create money channels based on your unique expression
  • Increase your income to create more ease in your life
  • Partner your money with a world cause
  • or simply, experience more pleasure in your finances
  • etc…


Money is a rich topic with many layers.

Share in the comments what you want to explore around money.

As you do, you plant the seed of your intention for this “Heart to Heart with Money” creative process.

Inspire someone today!  Share ‘Heart to Heart with Money Part 1’ with your creative community.


