| Guided Meditation: Connection in a Disconnected World

Guided Meditation: Connection in a Disconnected World

May 11, 2019

It’s funny how we have so many ways to connect these days and yet many people feel more disconnected than ever.

No matter how many new technological devices and platforms there are, at the heart all we really want is true connection.

True connection fills you up with a wonderful sense of belonging, fulfillment, safety, recognition, acknowledgement, and love.

Did you know that International Soul Art Day was born out of the desire for true connection?

8 years ago, I felt a deep longing for connection.  The internet and social media were exploding, circles were expanding and I longed to feel the nourishment of souls meeting.

The idea for International Soul Art Day came through like an answer to a prayer.

Now, all these years later, it touches my heart to see how Soul Art Day has blossomed into a sacred space for Creative Spirits to connect at a soul level. And, here we are in our 8th Annual International Soul Art Day!

Each year thousands of people gather from around the world to create art together for the day. There is a true profound sense of inner and outer connection.

I hope you’ll join us this year to ignite your creativity and fill up on true connection!


Help cultivate true connection…

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