| Art as Ritual

Art as Ritual

November 3, 2019

Art is ritual when you bring your conscious presence to your creative process.

Your conscious presence elevates your creative expression from simple playtime to full-on divine communion.



During a recent Soul Art Workshop, a few of my students flew in to experience a new Ascension creative process I’ve been developing for the Soul Art Certification. The process works with the concept “Root to Rise.”

Opening our process with a beautiful ritual in the forest felt like the perfect way to “Root” into our process and make space, and give meaning to channeled insights and visions that would naturally “Rise” through the art.

Making your art a ritual takes your whole process to another level!


3 ways to elevate your art with ritual:

1.Create Sacred Space

Honoring the time and space you are devoting to your art is the art of making it a ritual. I like to carve out specific time in my calendar to ensure nothing will get in the way of my devotional time.


2. Wear something special

Simply putting on a special necklace or outfit can bring an added level of meaning to your creative process. I like to wear special underwear (or none at all) so my root receives special acknowledgement.


3. Build an altar

An altar is a devoted space to honor your intentions, wishes and prayers. Starting a creative process by building an altar sets the tone for clarity, focus and magic within your creative process.



Making your art a ritual is about bringing consciousness to what you’re doing.

How can you elevate your art with ritual?

Share your creative ritual practices in the comments below.


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