| The Green Collection

The Green Collection

June 13, 2020

Working with the Plant Medicine of fresh green juices has opened me to the color green in the most profound way.

It is said that the Inuit People of Northern Canada have over a 100 different words for snow. There is a word for wet snow, dry snow, crunchy snow, etc…

Whenever you spend a lot of time with something, you get to know its subtle qualities and the unique traits it expresses. That is how I feel about the color green!

Over the years, my relationship with the color green has deepened as I have spent thousands of hours frolicking through green forests around the world, and prepared and swallowed hundreds of green juices.

With the color green singing in my cells and in my life, I have enjoyed working with this color in my art. I wanted to share “The Green Collection” that features 5 of my art images focusing on the green palette and the blessings this color offers.


5 Green Images to Express the Exquisite Power of Green!


Green is the color of the Heart Chakra.




Green is the color of new growth.




Green nourishes us by restoring our true nature.




Green grounds us in Gaia’s greatness.




Green is wild and free!


Green has many shades and many teachings.

Whenever you want to connect with the power of nature, the healing properties of the Earth, or the capacity to create new life…Green’s your Girl!

A simple way to connect with this nourishing color is to spend time in nature.

Another way to tap into the healing power of green to spark deep shifts in your life is to enjoy it through fresh green juices.


Some delicious greens I love including in my juices are:

  • Dandelion
  • Bok Choy
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Curly Kale
  • Dino Kale
  • Swiss Chard
  • Collard Greens
  • Cabbage
  • Spinach
  • Sprouts
  • Parsley
  • Cilantro
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Radish Greens
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Celery
  • Cucumber

Want to experience the healing power of GREEN in your life?

Experience my 10-Day Guided Juice Cleanse to reconnect with nature and restore your own true nature.



I’m curious what the color GREEN means to you?

Share your green thoughts in the comments below.

Of course, I’d also love to hear what art image from “The Green Collection” touches your heart. Share in the comments below!


Inspire someone today! Share “The Green Collection” with your friends!
