| What’s happening with Soul Art Day?

What’s happening with Soul Art Day?

June 6, 2020

International Soul Art Day has been an annual tradition for Creative Spirits around the world for the past 9 years.  Each spring, thousands of people gather to create art together for the day. It is the largest art-making event of its kind.

This spring was going to mark our 10th annual International Soul Art Day, and everyone at Soul Art Studio was gearing up to make this our best year yet!

But life had a few tricks up its sleeve, and the mischievous ringleader named Covid-19 threw us a curve ball.

As the pandemic spread across the globe, Soul Art Studio held a meeting (via Skype) to discuss the best course of action for our beloved Soul Art Day.

We know how special this global event is to so many people. We know a big part of the event is online, and yet an important element of International Soul Art Day is the invitation to gather soul family in person to enjoy the power and pleasure of making art together. With social distancing restrictions in place, we came to the conclusion that we needed to postpone Soul Art Day to ensure we could create the kind of experience that honors the essence of this event.

Soul Art Studio is still committed to creating epic experiences for our global community to help us bridge into the nü paradigm with creativity, clarity, connection, and pure inspiration.



Soul Art Day is postponed until further notice, but it will re-emerge even bigger and brighter than ever!

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While we’re waiting, share your feelings about Soul Art Day!

What do you love about Soul Art Day?

  • Do you love feeling the energy of thousands of people creating art together for the day?
  • Do you love having a day devoted to making art?
  • Do you love the insights you receive from your art?
  • Do you love seeing what other people create during this magical day?
  • Do you love feeling part of something bigger than yourself?
  • Do you love being connected with the Global Community of Creative Spirits?

Share something you LOVE about Soul Art Day in the comments below.


Please  spread the word about what’s happening with Soul Art Day!

Keeping our Global Community of Creative Spirits in the loop keeps us connected, and primes us up for the a big reunion during our 10th Annual International Soul Art Day!!

Make a soul connection today! Share “What’s happening with Soul Art Day?” with your friends!


