| Studio Views

Studio Views

July 9, 2022

Seeing the studio buzzing with creative energy is enlivening!

These studio views show moments from International Soul Art Day hosted at Soul Art Studio over the years.

May these glimpses into the creative zone inspire you to get your creative juices flowing and join us for this year’s International Soul Art Day coming up on July 28!



There is something so relaxing and invigorating about being in sacred space with a group of creative spirits. There is an energy from the group that deepens the individual process. It’s like being held in a collective womb where your uniqueness has space to breathe  while still belonging to the group.



When you’re deep in your creative process there are moments when you catch a glimpse of what someone else is up to, maybe you notice a color, or a shape, and it is just the clue you need to keep moving forward in your own process.



Coming up for air after being deep in the creative process is like coming to shore after swimming in the ocean with whales and mermaids.  You’ve got a heightened perspective and insight into the deeper layers of reality.



Expressing your creativity is a spiritual workout!  It takes a lot of energy to be in the creative zone, but it gives more than it takes!



When you’re fueled with your own creative juices, there is a natural confidence that grows because you’re tapped into your soul roots and you have a clear sense of who you are. Presenting yourself in this state is like lifting the veil for the world to see your true self.



Art gives you a way to express things that don’t have words, and art can give words to things you never knew how to say before.



Expressing your creativity gives you a glow!

When you let your creative energy move through your body, you shower your inner being with health and vitality, which inevitably shines through.


Want to get in your creative zone?

Join us for International Soul Art Day on July 28.


Soul Art Day is a free global event that gathers thousands of people from around the world to connect and create art together for the day. I’ll be in my studio on the BIG day connecting via livestream. Join this creative tradition and experience the power of Soul Art Day for yourself.

Save the date…Soul Art Day is July 28!




Inspire someone today! Share these enlivening “Studio Views” with your friends!

Tell your friends about Soul Art Day… they’re invited!
