Rainbow House Art Exhibition
The Rainbow House journey continues! Now that the old, dilapidated house is torn down, the art is on display at the Hamilton Public Library until Sept. 30th!
Going on a Creative Sabbatical
A Creative Sabbatical is a time to honor the natural rhythm of your creativity and drop into the deeper realms.
Conversation with Creative Spirit Sofiah Thom
Experience a guided Temple Body Arts Meditation in this lively conversation between Laura Hollick and Sofiah Thom.
2 Minute Imagination Exercise
Boost your creative power with this simple imagination exercise. You’ll be surprised by how powerful you are!
Creative Spaces
Get your creative pulse pumping with this wild behind the scenes view of Laura Hollick’s Soul Art Studio!
What’s your Creative Archetype?
Discover your Creative Archetype to enrich your life with creative power and inspiration!
Priming for the Soul Art Certification!
Creating Soul Art is a shamanic ritual for healing and transformation. Each Soul Art creation is a prayer that reveals the map that births your dreams into reality!
International Soul Art Day 2017 behind the scenes
Get a behind the scenes glimpse into the artists and their creative process and gushing passion during International Soul Art Day 2017!
Are you harnessing your creative power?
Creativity is the greatest untapped human resource on the planet at this time. Discover how you can tap your creative power!
Connect with your Creative Soul Family
When you’re “The Creative One” in the family it is easy to feel like the odd one in the group. International Soul Art Day cracks the belief of isolation and creates a loving space to connect with your global Creative Soul Family! Feel the warmth of connection available to you on this special day. International Soul Art Day is happening on May 25th!
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