Laura’s Soul Art journey was initiated by her desire to heal the wounds of ugliness and uncover her natural beauty. During an intensive period of time Laura devoted herself to a process she developed called ‘Bodymapping’ where she traced every part of her body and created art within the contours of the body shape to receive spiritual messages to guide her transformational healing process. You can learn more about Bodymapping here.
The majority of the collages featured in this gallery were created in 1999. They served to midwife, what is now known as, Soul Art. Laura developed the Soul Art Certification program to teach the unique creative processes she developed. Bodymapping is the Level 1 in the Soul Art Certification. You can learn more about the Soul Art Certification here.
Each image in this Soul Art Collage gallery utilizes the Bodymapping method. The Soul Art Collages featured here use photographs of the artist, magazine images, mixed media, money and objects Laura collected from nature including Canada Goose feathers, turtle eggs, bamboo stalks, shells and bones.
Click on each Soul Art Collage to see it in its fullness.
Laura’s quest for healing and transformation ignited a whole body of work that evolved into the Soul Art Certification program. Thousands of people around the world now practice Soul Art to initiate their own healing and transformation.
Once a year, registration opens for the Soul Art Certification program. This is a one-of-a-kind training program that guides you to develop your own Soul Art and learn how to guide other people on creative, spiritual journeys. Registration for the 2017 Soul Art Certification officially opens on June 27th!
Watch for all the details about the Soul Art Certification here.
Each Soul Art pieces is coded with spiritual messages, insights and healing transmission.
Notice what Soul Art collage you’re drawn to as it will surely hold a spiritual message for you!
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