Sierra Sullivan

In my sacred work with women, I’ve discovered that every Yoni is as unique as a snowflake. When you gaze upon a pussy with love and adoration, you can begin to see symbols and images that show her divine feminine essence and wise woman archetypes.

I created my Yoni Art piece to show this landscape of mystery and magic for all to see. I desire for it to shine a spotlight on my enchantress power as a woman. Look closely, as you will be sure to find many Secrets of the Yoniverse. I welcome you to experience the juicy essence that is me… who I am at my core. May it serve as a reminder and reflection of your majesty.

Yoni Art by Sierra Sullivan

About Sierra Sullivan


Sierra J. Sullivan is an Empowerment Mentor, Ritualist, Officiant & Sacred Journey Guide for women & couples who seek more truth and alignment in life, love and relationship. She helps her tribe of awakened seekers to shed inauthentic layers that have built up from living in a masculine dominated world and assists them in transforming struggle, self-doubt and negative thought patterns into the ability to pleasurably and powerfully magnetize and manifest what they truly want in life using sacred practices, ceremony and a whole lot of fun and play.

Connect with me and receive a free Yoni Activation workshop, Secrets of the Yoniverse, a Woman’s Guide to her Sacred Portal.



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