Yoni Art Journey with Laura Hollick

A Guided Journey to Transform your Relationship with Money

I see you.

I see all the layers you’ve already transformed in your life. And still, money calls to you as the next layer to face.

Your heart is yearning to let go of the struggle, the worry, the stress, so your gifts can lead you, guide you, and support you.

I invite you to embrace the call of money and let it be the sacred gateway to birth the next level of who you are.

It’s time to shed your false beliefs, outdated ideas, and old money stories so you can liberate your life.

It’s time to Follow Your Heart & Make Money.

Love Laura Hollick

Before you do another "How to Make Money" course, READ THIS...

Most “How to Make Money” courses teach you templates based on other people’s success.

But what’s really important is connecting with your own source of success, and that journey starts within.

Connecting with your heart forms a foundation on which you can build true wealth. Your heart becomes your inner compass, navigating every money decision you will ever make, from what you will offer, to what you will charge, to how you will grow your money.

Without your heart’s presence, you’ll be lost.

In the Follow Your Heart & Make Money course, you’ll learn to trust your heart as your money guide so you can map your own path to success.

The Follow Your Heart & Make Money course includes two powerful Money Rituals and a 90-Day Journal.

Ritual #1: Money Healing

In this simple audio Money Healing Ritual, you’ll be guided to shed your old money stories, fears, worries, and limiting beliefs that have clouded your true wealth. You’ll open space and safety to follow your heart to a new, financially-free future.

Ritual #2: Money Creation

In this inspiring audio Money Creation Ritual, you’ll be guided to connect with your heart to get a vision of your new money reality, and align with it so you can take inspired action. This is where you will access your map to follow your heart and make money.

90-Day Follow Your Heart & Make Money Journal

Every transformation requires integration. This 90-day printable PDF journal will be your daily guide to help you stay on your sacred path and integrate the two Money Rituals. It will support you so your money transformation can take root.

Yoni Art Journal

It's safe to believe in yourself. You can do this!

Includes two audio rituals and a printable PDF journal:

  • Money Healing Ritual: to clear what’s holding you back
  • Money Creation Ritual: to align with your love-based money map
  • 90-Day Follow Your Heart & Make Money Journal

Say “YES!” to your heart!


Sign Up Now

Prices listed in US Dollars

Produced by Soul Art Studio

About your guide Laura Hollick

Laura Hollick

From truck driver to multi 6-figure Creative Spirit

Laura Hollick is an Award-winning Artist, and Visionary Guide known as a Soul Artist.

After walking 10,000km on a Vision Quest, Laura transformed her limiting beliefs and began following her heart and making money. She has since grossed over $1 million in sales.

BRAVO TV created a documentary about Laura’s art and life called “The Artist’s Life- Laura Hollick.” She has hosted and produced over 500 radio shows for 93.3 FM CFMU called “The Artist’s Lifestyle.” Laura recently gave a TEDx talk called “You are the Art.”

Laura is on a mission to end the “starving artist” stereotype because the world needs Creative Spirits leading from their hearts.

Experience your own money transformation!

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