We’re at the dawn of a nü paradigm…
Cleansing is the sacred practice of preparing your body for higher level frequencies to flow through with greater ease and efficiency.
Now is the time to release the residue of the past so you are primed to pursue the power and purpose of your future!
The nü Icon Cleanse is your portal into the nü paradigm. To pass through this portal, you will need to shed the skin of what no longer fits and restore your vibrancy so you can be the person you came here to be.
It’s time to cleanse to create a nü you!
Stepping into the nü paradigm will require nothing short of your Whole Self.
Your Whole Self is buried underneath the residue of out-dated ideas, trauma imprints, lineage-line wounds, undigested waste in the body, unprocessed emotions, and manufactured masks that were adopted in childhood as coping mechanisms.
To cleanse is to shed the skin of what is not your truth and create the breathing room for the real you to come forth.
To experience a cleanse of this magnitude requires restoration on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
The nü Icon Cleanse is the electric current to catapult your great reclamation so you can be the person you came here to be!

4 clarifying classes to catapult you into your nü life!
Class 1: Connect with your Iconic Essence
Experience an electric activation as you connect with your Iconic Essence and receive a divine download for your Iconic Life!
In Class 1 you’ll be guided through a simple process to awaken your inner knowing about who you are, why you’re on the planet at this time, and what your role is in the creation of the nü paradigm.
When you connect with your Iconic Essence with this level of clarity, you unleash a power equivalent to a Kundalini awakening!
Class 2: Body Cleanse
Your physical body is your spirit home while you’re on earth. If your body is mired in residual ash from the past, your purpose will be trapped in the fog.
It is impossible for your spirit to fully inhabit your body if it is out of sync with the high frequency of your truth.
In Class 2, you’ll be guided through an invigorating process to energy map your digestive system to discover how your body is currently digesting your life, and what foods are uniquely designed to nourish your high frequency body.
You will discover a nü level of intimacy with your body where you can finally get the truth about what creates vibrant health for your body.
Class 3: Emotional Cleanse
When there are traumas and unresolved hurts in your life, they stick in your energy field, creating looping patterns that have you going in circles.
In this class you can say, “Finally!” This is where you lay the foundation for your most empowered life by creating respectful resolution to the past where you move from victim to victorious.
Cleansing your emotions is a total game-changer!
Class 4: Whole Life Cleanse
You’ve got dreams in you that are meant to be realized! Your dreams may involve creating a successful business, birthing a child, raising a family, or perhaps your dream is to enjoy having sex with the lights on. Whatever your dream is, it will take your Whole Self to realize it.
In Class 4, you’ll be guided to see your life through the eyes of your Iconic Essence so you can easefully spot the places that are out-of-sync with your truth, along with the simple remedies to truly up-level your life.
This is where things get real, and you get the chance to experience your real-life-transformation take root!
Bonus Class: Beauty & Self-Care
In this Bonus Class, I’ll share my Top 10 Beauty & Self-Care practices to go beyond age into the realm of timelessness. As you implement these practices, you’ll have people looking at you trying to figure out how you got your special glow. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself looking in the mirror with cleansing tears as you discover what it feels like to truly fall in love with your body.
Learn how to let your beauty blaze with the luminous light of your essence!
nü Icon Cleanse Q&A
There are 2 live Q&A group sessions included with the nü Icon Cleanse.
Inevitably things will come up during the cleanse. During these live Q&A sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to receive intuitive insights and personalized guidance from Laura to address your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual questions.
Get the support that enables you to go the distance!
44-Day nü Icon Cleanse Journal
Your 44-Day Guided Journal will hold you and keep your cleansing process flowing. This journal will help you to integrate the full depth and breadth of your cleansing experience and give you lots of room to heal and channel your epic downloads!

+ Optional 10-Day Juice Cleanse!

Juicing changed my life and it can change yours too!
Drinking liquid sunlight in the form of green juices is the best beauty practice on the planet!
The optional 10-Day Juice Cleanse is a powerful add-on to the nü Icon Cleanse that will awaken the next level of your physical health, mental clarity, emotional well-being, beauty and spiritual connection.
You’ll witness decades of old energy drop away with total resolve. As you clear the old energy from your system, you’ll open up to receive divinely inspired downloads for your best life.
Let me hold your hand through this step-by-step process so you can prove to yourself that you really can do this.
During the optional 10-Day Juice Cleanse, you’ll receive daily guidance in the form of videos, clear steps, recipes, and Q&A. Rest assured you will be held with pristine care and consideration through this process so you can experience your BIG Breakthrough!
Get ready to be dazzled by your own radiance!
nü Icon Cleanse Benefits
When you incorporate nü Icon cleansing practices into your life, you may experience a number of profound transformations such as:
- Resolving long-standing health issues
- Restoring your energy
- Increasing your libido
- Luminous skin
- Lustrous hair
- Clearing the whites in your eyes
- Releasing excess stuff (weight, toxins, traumas, etc…)
- Awakening your natural sexuality and sensuality
- Falling in love with your body
- Feeling clear-headed
- Opening your Third-Eye and Intuitive Powers
- Finally moving on from old hurts
- Discovering your beauty
- Finding safety within your self
- Standing in your truth
- Claiming the power of your authentic life
The nü Icon Cleanse is a total game-changer!

Reveal your Iconic Essence!
nü Icon Cleanse includes
4 Audio Classes:
- Class 1: Connect with your Iconic Essence
- Class 2: Body Cleanse
- Class 3: Emotional Cleanse
- Class 4: Whole Life Cleanse
- Bonus Class: Beauty & Self Care
- 44-Day nü Icon Cleanse Journal PDF
- Lifetime Access

with 10-Day Juice Cleanse
Includes everything in the
nü Icon Cleanse plus…
- How to prepare for your Juice Cleanse
- Daily guidance during your cleanse in the form of videos, recipes, steps
- How to reintegrate with food after your cleanse
- How to modify this cleanse for 3-days
- Lifetime Access to material
Juices are not included
Prices listed in USD. Monthly payments occur on the same calendar day each month.

About your guide Laura Hollick
Laura’s cleansing journey began 10 years ago when she realized if she wanted to birth her dreams in the world, she had to have the body to match it. And so her juicing and self-care practices began. Since then, Laura has completed numerous 3-Day Juice Cleanses, 10-Day Juice Cleanses, and recently completed her first 44-Day Juice Cleanse. All while studying and training intensely in topics of nutrition, deep tissue cleansing, trauma resolution, shamanic soul-retrieval, plant medicine, neuro-plasticity, sexual healing and spiritual embodiment.
Laura has an Honors Fine Arts degree from McMaster University, and she is certified in DNA Reprogramming, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time-Line Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Tantra, Pelvic Care for Women and Vaginal Fascia Massage. Her wide-spectrum skill set is what enables Laura’s unique capacity to see the whole person when supporting healing and transformational processes.
Laura inspires audiences around the world with her art, insights, and transformational journeys. Laura gave a TEDx talk called “You are the Art” and was featured on BRAVO TV in a documentary entitled “The Artist’s Life – Laura Hollick.”